Janitorial Services
Dedicated, experienced staff provide janitorial and custodial services
services for aseptic cleaning in medical centers and clinics, controlled environment cleaning in data centers, and maintaining the aesthetics of office spaces
- Utilize Hygiene Monitors to demonstrate effectiveness of cleaning methods and provide assurance to clients that their facilities are clean and sanitary
- Deactivation of microbes to prevent spread of infectious diseases through our partner company
- Coresivity staff are attuned to your need and are Certified by IJCSA (International Janitorial Custodial Services Association) for:
- Bloodborne Pathogens & Infectious Disease
- Green Cleaning / Non-Toxic Cleaning
- Aseptic Cleaning
- Controlled Environment Cleaning
- Master Cleaning
- Disinfection Services
- Past Performance:
- Provided Controlled Environment Cleaning services for the County of Los Angeles, Department of Health Services at the Martin Luther King Data Center
- Five-year Blanket Purchase Agreement for Janitorial Services with the Department of Veterans Affairs covering 4 VA Medical Centers and 26 Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) throughout Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia
- Provided Janitorial Services for the VA CBOCs in Charlotte Hall, MD and Southeast, DC